“I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.” —John 10:10
Have you ever felt that life is overwhelming and more than you can handle alone? There are very few people who have not experienced disillusionment, unmet expectations, loss and the uninvited painful changes in life. There are very few people whose lives have turned out as planned.
M. Craig Barnes writes:
“Our Experiences with abandonment and unwanted change are crisis moments when we must decide…if we believe in the ongoing creativity of God, who brings light and beauty to the dark chaos of our losses in life.”
Here at Grace Summit we offer experienced and qualified counselors to walk with you as you discover the “ongoing creativity of God.”
Augustine wrote:
“Thou hast made us for Thyself and our hearts are not at rest until we find our rest in Thee.”
At Grace Summit our “counseling model” is established upon the truth that God has made us in His image. The disillusionment, conflict and frustration one experiences in life comes from looking to career, relationships, marriage, family and religion to meet our needs and become ones source of life. This “Desire” that God has created in us can only be satisfied by Him. Let us journey with you to discover the true source of life.